Heh heh heh… I see this explorer on my way to work sometimes. The hood is held down with ROPE. Heh heh heh…
Author: Keith Survell
Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.
It’s Getting Hot In Here
It’s rather hot around my office today (with pictures). No relation to the popular song…
Another Core Dump?
Actually, I realize the title “Core Dump” isn’t very original – I mean, it’s been in computer people’s vocabulary from as far back as… well, ever since people referred to main memory as “the core.” Which is going back a ways.
Senator Blacklisted by No-Fly List
Senator Kennedy was not allowed to get on a plane because a terrorist had used his name as an alias. If this happens to a normal person, you’re screwed. I really hate this shit.
Amazing Computer Art
Amazing. Look at the office picture… is it real?