Doing a bit of research today, I’m finding that professional “blogs” are becoming quite common – and widely noticed in the traditional media. Read about the forged Bush military documents and many other things. The Blogosphere, as they call it, is coming of age, and it is apparently a VERY powerful force.
Author: Keith Survell
Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.
Good Blog
Jay Currie: A good blog. Especially check out the post about the supposedly forged military documents regarding George W. Bush’s military record.
Master Foo and the GUI
From “Rootless Root.” Read and be enlightened.
The Tao Of Programming
Yet another neat thing to read. Maybe more meaningful to me, but if you read it… you may become enlightened.
Hacker Love
Just for fun, here’s a bunch of stuff you (my dear reader, or two – I think there might be two of you out there) might want to read to get to know me and my kind (hackers) a bit better. I’m not trying to be pretentious here, I just think this is enlightening stuff.