An interesting take on Kerry, and how things would be if he were elected.
Author: Keith Survell
Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.
Memoirs of an Evil Genius
Read this hilarious game review, done by Scott Sharkey. It’ll have you falling out of your seat with laughter.
Fun with Music
I love making mix CDs. They’re so much fun to make – especially when they have wide appeal.
ABTG (Anybody But These Guys)
Another great article, including some speech quotes from Tony Blair. If nothing else, he’s a much better speaker than Bush. And frankly, that counts for something.
Here I Blog, I Can Do No Other
TCS: Tech Central Station – Here I Blog, I Can Do No Other. I got this from It’s an interesting look at Blogging… in the 16th century. Worth a read.