Slashdot:RFID Drivers’ Licenses Debated

I’d be all for the idea of universal ID if it weren’t for the fact that our government is INCOMPETENT when it comes to doing these sorts of things PROPERLY, never mind the fact that I wouldn’t trust them with that kind of power/information in the first place.

Everyday Driving Skills

This article may be for Australian drivers (who drive on the wrong side of the road), but the tips it lists are still perfectly valid.

ISG Report

“According to news reports, the testimony of Charles Duelfer and the thousand-page Iraq Survey Group report released yesterday suggest that Saddam Hussein had no WMD stockpiles and had not built any since 1992, but that he intended to restart the weapons program following the elimination of UN sanctions.”

Categorized as politics

Hot Wheels

The new Smart car (the company’s name is “Smart”) seems to be gaining some momentum. Interesting.