Microsoft warns of 22 new security flaws

Just another example of why you should use non-Microsoft products where ever you can. And since IE is the biggest culprit of these security flaws, why not give Firefox a try?

Categorized as tech

Amanda’s Quiz Result

I just love quizzes. And forcing them on Amanda when she’s in bed is also fun. Here’s her result to one short quiz that I managed to maker her answer.

“Enemy Combatants” and “The War on Terror”

I’ve been conflicted over the idea of the President of the United States being able to declare a U.S. Citizen an “enemy combatant” and hold him/her without the “Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus.” It bothered me so much that I decided to look into it myself.

Categorized as politics Election Debate 2

Read through all of this, and I think you’ll agree – the libertarian ideas are the best for this country. A very interesting “debate,” of sorts.

Categorized as politics