“It’s basically the new cowboys-and-Indians game. With wolves.” You can’t sum it up any better than that.
Author: Keith Survell
Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.
Power Block
I’ve gotta stop watching Spike TV’s “Power Block” lineup on weekends. I just wanna go out and rev up the car and race somewhere, or go off road, or buy a turbo kit and install it, or something!
Government Liquidation
Want a used army truck for like $1,000? Keep an eye on auctions held around the US and around the world on this site. A very interesting resource that might be good to bookmark… just in case.
2005 Dodge Power Wagon
I’m not much of a Dodge man myself, but this truck … well, I’d type more but I have to keep wiping the drool off my chin.
Do Terror Alerts Work?
The short answer, in case you’re wondering, is “no.”