The torture memo

To quote: What should the President do when defending the country requires breaking the laws? Why, he should break the laws, which usually means instructing his subordinates to do so. He, and they, remain subject to punishment, and he remains subject to impeachment.

Categorized as politics

2003 Evolution

This is the car that the Outlander is (sort of) based on. Now, if only they offered that same turbo in the Outlander, then it would be a force to be reckoned with…


You might try checking out Feedster… it’s an interesting way to find blog subjects.

Categorized as tech

Reasons for Firing Bush

I like the argument presented here. All the links sprinkled throughout the argument support the individual claims (which is good, something most people who argue don’t do – and often don’t have any evidence to begin with).

Categorized as politics