Call me “the barefoot programmer.”
Actually, that’s not 100% accurate – I only go barefoot during the summertime. It’s just more comfortable – and it helps you stay cool.
Of course, since I work from home, this is not a problem. (It’s nice when the buns come by and say hi – they rub against my feet!)
A lot has been written already about keeping programmers comfortable while they work – volumes have been written about selecting a good chair, a good desk, an ergonomic keyboard, etc. And it goes without saying that programmers – who are more often than not “geeks” – hate formal clothing. So it should be no surprise that being barefoot while programming seems like a logical progression to me.
I also have a tendency to sit cross-legged in my chair from time to time, instead of in the “normal” way. I know it’s terribly bad posture, but sometimes I just need to change my position. And it’s much easier to sit cross-legged when you have bare feet.
Oh – and lest anyone get any funny ideas, my feet are the only part of me that’s “bare” while I work. Jeans/shorts and t-shirts are the order of the day.
So how do you sit while you’re working?
I also walk and work barefoot during warm season.