
I was re-reading Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon again last night (for about the 5 millionth time) and I thought I’d share this lovely passage, which really, um, speaks to me. 😉

“It is trite to observe that hackers don’t like fancy clothes. Avi has learned that good clothes can actually be comfortable – the slacks that go with a business suit, for example, are really much more comfortable than blue jeans. And he has spent enough time with hackers to obtain the insight that it is not wearing suits that they object to, so much as getting them on. Which includes not only the donning process per se but also picking them out, maintaining them, and worrying whether they are still in style – this last being especially difficult for men who wear suits once every five years.”

So true, so true!

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.


  1. The slacks that go with a business suit, for example, are really much more comfortable than blue jeans? Oh really? Not for a girl, they aren’t, LOL! Just count your blessings – you never have to wear stockings!

  2. I get around this by making the kilt a regular part of my wardrobe. Uber-comfortable, and *relatively* stylish (for what it is) for hundreds of years).

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