Silliness from the Past

Way back when burning CDs was still a novel thing, I used to derive great pleasure from compiling custom CDs and creating full artwork and whatnot for them. (Click on any of these images for the full-size image.)


This is one of the very first ones I did. The idea was, suppose my life was a movie… what would the soundtrack be? And this is what I came up with. I found it the other day in the back of my car – I wonder what it was doing there?

Let’s open up the CD case, shall we?

inside insert

Ah, there’s the song list. Rather unusual – but then, I’m rather unusual myself, so it fits!

inside jacket

There’s the inside jacket – yes, I even went so far as to create a folded insert.


And there, of course, is the CD (sorry it’s crooked).

It all seems a bit corny now in retrospect – but at the time it meant a lot to me. And many (although not all) of these songs are still relevant – they haven’t lost their appropriateness as pieces in the soundtrack to my life just because a few years have passed.

It’s like a time capsule in a way… a look back at how I felt back then – through music.

I suppose the whole “soundtrack for your life” thing is not unique to me – I’m sure many other people have done exactly the same thing.

So what’s the soundtrack to your life?

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.


  1. my soundtrack wouldnt b a vry happy one

    my best bud is moving and she refuses to believe that any of us cares

  2. Life isn’t always happy; if it was, it would be pretty boring. There are several sad (or maybe “wistful” would be a better term) songs in my soundtrack.

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