Dreams of Home

I had a strange series of dreams last night.

I dreamed that I had found a house, an old house, falling apart, on a corner lot. It was so bad that its brick foundation was collapsing, the interior was stripped, dirty, and full of loose bricks from the chimney which had totally fallen apart. It was a sad house, but I managed to get the seller to sell it only for the price of the lot, not the house (because it was in such bad shape). I was fearful that Amanda and I would have to live somewhere else during the winter, because the house was in no shape to live in. But then my family showed up – my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my siblings, my cousins – and they all helped me clean and fix up the place to the point where we could at least live there without worrying about the house falling down around us.

It was a nice dream, in the sense that I finally had a house of my own… but at the same time, a scary dream because all I could get was a dilapidated old wreck of a house. Thank goodness for family, I guess!

The other dream I had was of me trying to get somewhere – work or school or something – on foot by following an old railroad track through the woods. However, I took a wrong turn and ended up at a lake, and for some reason I decided to hop across a wide inlet of the lake as a shortcut to get back on track. It was very shallow (maybe 5 inches deep) and there were lots of rocks sticking up close together. However, I couldn’t shake this sense of fear of the lake as I went. Something about it being all open to the sky, and the dark water just beyond. I didn’t want to touch the water, either, though if I had been wearing water-proof boots I could have (in theory) just walked across the inlet without trouble.

In my dream, I never made it across the lake. The rocks got further apart near the middle, and as I was trying to jump the distances, I woke up, or the dream ended, or something – because that’s all I remember. A little unnerving, to say the least.

Dreams are so weird.

Categorized as personal

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.