
One of the blogs I read regularly, Instapundit, has been posting updates from a site called Porkbusters. I think the idea behind Porkbusters is absolutely fantastic – especially in light of some recent news regarding a bill that gives money to Northrup Grumman:

Why does a corporation that made $2.4 billion in profit need another $200 million from American taxpayers to cover a loss they’ve absorbed in that same year?


Congress has a rather narrow view of profit in a free-market society. When ExxonMobil makes 10.7% profit, they decry the “windfall profit” of a corporation. When Northrup Grumman makes 7.1%, they qualify for a bailout.


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Categorized as politics

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.