Taxes SUCK

Yes, it’s time to rant about taxes again.

Despite having taxes witheld for me (something I despise because it keeps much-needed money out of my pocket), I still owe this year.

WTF, mate?!

It’s not like it’s a huge tax liability, either – it’s only $435; but still, that’s a lot of money to some people. And that’s just the Federal tax – the state tax, although not actually worse, is more insulting. I’m getting an $84 refund from the state.


So, now I have to scrounge around and try to find the money to pay my taxes before April 15 (or rather, April 17th this year, because of the weekend & whatnot). I can’t do an extension either, because I have a payment plan with the IRS and the Massachusetts DOR for the last 2 years of tax that I had trouble with. Part of the agreement for being able to pay my back-taxes for those 2 years in small payments is that I must pay any new taxes as they come due. Which means no extensions.

Thanks, guys.

I hate the IRS. I hate the Mass DOR.

Give me freedom (from taxes), or give me death!

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.