
I’m writing this post while staring at an enormous Sylvania 19 inch LCD monitor. This monitor has replaced my old 17 inch CRT monitor at work.

And man, is it nice. I mean, 19 inches – c’mon! It’s freakin’ huge! And it’s just a sheer joy on my eyes – because the refresh rate is set at 75Hertz. Most monitors come default with a 60 Hertz refresh rate – and my sensitive eyes can, over time, pick up the flicker from such a low refresh rate. (It gives me headaches after a few hours.) Now that won’t be a problem, though, because I’ve got this nifty new screen. Whee!

This screen is sort of my “gift” to myself for pulling off a very difficult project – namely, developing a new product line in about a week’s worth of time. Let’s just say I put in a lot of early mornings & late nights to pull this one off, but it was worth it. Am I gloating about my new 19 inch LCD monitor? Maybe.

But dammit, I’ve earned it. 😉

Categorized as personal

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.