New Bunny Name

We’ve decided on a name for our new girl-bunny. It’s “Betsy.” After observing her for a day and a half, watching her fearlessly explore parts of the house where Gussy has never gone, and watching her little ears flop as she hops to and fro, the name “Betsy” just seemed to fit.

So there you have it – Gussy & Betsy, the dynamic duo of bunnies.

And for those who worry about baby bunnies – the two are currently kept separate, and Gussy will be going in to be neutered ASAP (probably on Tuesday). We just don’t have the facilities for baby bunnies. (Though if anyone wants some baby bunnies, my Dad will be letting his two rabbits have babies in the spring, so let me know if you want one “earmarked” for you!)

Categorized as pets

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.