Joel on Software

Oh geez, but this is a perfect statement (especially considering some of the t-shirts I own… you know the ones!):

“… This is when you give up and realize that something that could take you 10 seconds to fix in person is about to become a two hour nightmare during which you’ll alienate your family, lose sleep, tie up the phone line while your Auntie Marge is stuck on the turnpike with no gas and can’t get through to your uncle to come rescue her, and curse your lot in life. Just because you’re a programmer doesn’t mean you have to be the help desk for a dozen friends, relatives, and the people in the apartment next door. Does it?”

Here’s the link to the Joel on Software article that spawned this lovely quote.

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.

1 comment

  1. Joel on Software roolz. His October 2003 article on Unicode and character set encoding was a huge help in a recent effort to do some I18N work.

    Thanks for the reminder that I should peek in on his site often…..

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