Not A Morning Person

I am NOT a morning person.

A few days ago, while taking my shower in the morning (thank goodness there was hot water), I washed my hair, stood for a while under the water, and then reached for the body wash. Being a half-awake zombie (as I am in the morning) I then proceeded to pour the body wash into my hand and put it on my head. Then I realized what I was doing.


This is like when I used to eat cereal for breakfast, along with orange juice. At least twice I’ve poured the orange juice on my cereal, instead of the milk. D’oh! Now I eat a bagel instead, which has less opportnity for error (though I have forgotten to turn on the “bagel” setting on the toaster; leaving this off makes the toaster use both sides of the heating element, thus burning my bagel).

…And that’s why I’m not a morning person.

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.