Poke me – I’m done

I’m done.

With winter, that is.

Normally, I’m the last one to whine about the cold, or the snow, or whatever. I like snow, and the cold doesn’t bother me much (unless I can’t have a hot shower – then it really freakin’ pisses me off). But this has been a long winter, even for New England, and I’m just about ready for some warmer weather. I’d like to be able to walk to work without having to put on 3 layers of clothing, y’know?

This morning was a particularly good example. The temperature outside was 18 degrees, and the wind chill was -11. Farenheight. Yeah. Thankfully, because of some snow, Amanda went into work late, and thus I was able to hitch a ride from her.

Anyway, I’m ready for spring now. So, Mother Nature, if you’re reading this… *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Peace, y’all.

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.