Bill Gates and other communists

Bill Gates and other communists | Perspectives | CNET

Let me remind my readers that I am the Senior Developer & Co-Owner of a private, closed-source software company. Yet I support open-source software as much as I can.

The patent/copyright/intellectual property issue is a big one these days, and I agree that the laws could definately use some revision (I could say the same about a LOT of laws, actually, but it seems that politicians – i.e. “lawmakers” – are too busy making laws to consider revising them; or even removing some of the ones that are just plain dumb in today’s context.)

Anyway, read the article for an interesting view from good ‘ol Richard Stallman (but beware – he looks a little creepy!).

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.