RSS XML “Feeds” can be a pain in the ass. How to get them to display correctly? I dunno. But trust me folks, I’m working on it!
UPDATE: It seems to be all set now. I found that the “Smart Feed” feature of Feedburner was causing all the trouble. You see, I use Thunderbird for my RSS feeds, and apparently Feedburner doesn’t recognize Thunderbird, so it was sending it the “default” text-only feed. (The “smart feed” is supposed to recognize what kind of reader you are using, and format the feed appropriately.) So, after I turned that off, I changed the feed to an RSS 2.0 format, and voila! It works the way it’s supposed to.
If anyone is using a reader which is not RSS 2.0 compliant, may I suggest upgrading to Thunderbird? 😉