Strange Dream

Current mood: Introspective

Currently listening to: WKEITH Radio

I had a really strange dream the night before last; so strange in fact that it’s still lingering in my mind today – two days after it occured. What made it strange was both the content of the dream, and how real it was.

It was set in a strange house, vaugely traditional Japanese in layout, or so it seemed. There was furnature in the rooms, but not a lot of it, and I didn’t really have time to look at the furnature.

There were a lot of people in this dream. Some people I didn’t know – like the one I’m going to refer to as the “asian girl” – and some people I did know – like my friend Greg W.

I was of course in this dream – as myself – but there was something a little … odd about it all. I felt smaller, somehow, than normal. As I said, it was a strange dream.

In this dream, everyone was carrying swords – katanas, mostly – including myself. Each sword was a bit different, and I distinctly remember noticing the differences in some of the sheaths for the swords. Some swords were, admittedly, very different (I remember one with two strange, sharp “barbs” on the edge), and I can remember picking up someone else’s sword at one point to use to defend myself.

What makes this dream so weird is I can literally remember the fighting I was doing (and which made up most of the dream). I can remember the fear I felt, of being cut by my enemy (I remember fighting many people, but most memorable was the fight with the “asian girl”). I can remember thinking during the fight, watching my enemy’s blade moving, and thinking how I would have to move to counter that stroke. I remember moving my hands and my arms and my body in ways I had never moved them in real life, and in ways I didn’t even know about before this dream. The world I was in was so vivid, that it stands out from almost any other dream I’ve ever had.

I remember the fight with the “asian girl” quite clearly. I don’t remember the “asian girl” herself very well, except that I knew she appeared (visually) to be asian (duh). I remember some snippets of conversation during the fights, something to do with why we were fighting, and how I would be defeated.

The details have faded quite a bit by now… I wish I had written this yesterday morning, when I woke up from the dream.

In any case, there’s the report of my dream. There was no conclusion to it, at least not really… although I do remember standing in peace for a moment, with most of my foes vanquished… but still… a strange dream.

Categorized as personal

By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.