Old Habits…

I am a creature of habit.

I’ve said it before, here on this blog and in other places. I live by my habits… waking up, showering, eating breakfast while reading my morning comics… and so on. Now I’m trying to break a habit that formed over the last 2 and a half years… the habit of waking up at 5am.

It’s proving harder to break than I thought.

I still find myself waking up, generally within a half hour of 5am. Of course, I always just fall back to sleep, but my body isn’t done with me yet. I then start dreaming of waking up… dreams that include images of couriering… of waking Amanda up… of me waking up and getting ready (both in the courier way and my new, slower, laid back way). It’s like my body (and subconciousness) are trying desperately to get me to wake up, to prevent me from being late – except that I’m not late. In fact, I’m generally early – too early, even. For instance, it’s now 7:45am, and I’m dressed & ready to go. But I don’t have to leave for almost another 45 minutes – and that still gets me to work “early.” Amazing.

But this whole “waking up” early and falling back to sleep … just to dream of waking up … is getting annoying. I hope it ends soon, but who knows? It took me a long, long time to get used to waking up at 5am, and 2 & 1/2 years is a long time. But I guess I should be happy that I am able to adjust… after all, I could still be getting up at 5am for real.


By Keith Survell

Geek, professional programmer, amateur photographer, crazy rabbit guy, only slightly obsessed with cute things.