Tag: photo
Miss Matilda chilling in her cottage – such a little princess in her castle ❤️ #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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Buns hanging out in the cottontail cottage this morning #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
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Chuck checking under the guest bed – all clear! #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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Chuck & Matilda were exploring the spare bedroom this morning #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
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Chuck waiting patiently for his morning treat (from the box right behind him) #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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Morning Matilda #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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Miss Matilda is shedding #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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Finally settled on a compromise: Chuck gets the top floor, and Matilda gets the middle floor (by the window). #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
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Chuck didn’t want to make room for her, but Matilda doesn’t take “no” for an answer. #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
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Lest there was any doubt that Chuck is living his absolute best life #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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