Tag: photo
Oh, Matilda, you look so sad about the hole in your ceiling… but you were the one who put it there! #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/Cahi6JZLUcr/
Morning Matilda in her A-frame #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram #playframe
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CahiwDZLiBB/
Good morning, Matilda! #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CahTYeiOSWB/
Matilda likes to keep one paw on the pellet bowl while she’s eating – that way it can’t get away from her. She’s hardcore, that little bunny! #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaavtpIFQSX/
Took Chuck to the vet today to get vaccinated against RHDV2. He hated the car ride, of course, but was otherwise a very good boy. (Matilda’s appointment is in 3 weeks – vaccine is in short supply.) #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaavkBHl4MJ/
A pair of very content snugglebuns #snugglebuns #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaV7zX6sguo/
Matilda once again signaling her desire for treats… by just staring at me. (It’s surprisingly effective.) #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaUlZTFLFO-/
…I guess this is Matilda’s chair now. #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaQywM1MYCN/
Chuck & Matilda in the cottontail cottage at the same time – Chuck on top (looking over his kingdom), and Matilda looking out from her window (as befits a princess) #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaOR-u7s4qx/
Matilda: Peloton bun? (Haha, nope!) #bunny #lopearedbunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram #peloton
via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CaHlhZJuMJs/