Tag: matilda
Dinnertime Salad
The buns enjoying their dinnertime salad
Matilda in the Hallway
Matilda trying (unsuccessfully) to decide which way to go: back up the hallway or into the bedroom? Decisions, decisions…
Matilda does not understand “hiding”
That’s… uh… not how you do “hiding,” Matilda…
What are you doing, Matilda?
Matilda, what are you doing up on that chair?!
Visitors to my office
Of course, all they wanted to know was if I had any treats.
Princess Matilda
It’s a tough life, but someone’s gotta do it.
Matilda doing bunny yoga
Once again my yoga space is taken over by a bunny.
Matilda and the Basement Stairs
About a month ago we caught Matilda sitting by the top of the stairs that go into our basement (the only stairs in our whole house). At the time she was just sitting there, looking – and after this she hopped away, but just the other day we heard some noises from the basement stairs,…
Chuck Posing (and being very handsome)
Chuck was posing in front of Matilda’s A-Frame house (where she is still lurking). He’s such a handsome boy! (And surprisingly hard to see against that white rug – except for his little nose!)