Tag: gus

  • It’s Okay, Dad

    Dad and mum were very sad that I was so angry at them – they apologized to me many times. Although they DID vacuum today (which I never like), they left us alone all the rest of the day. Then when they got home, dad took me outside to the porch and gave me a…

  • No More Late Breakfasts

    I’m very mad at dad and mum today. They were SO late with breakfast. I got fed up waiting for them and (with Betsy’s help) tossed our bunny forts all around our area, and chewed up a cardboard box in dad’s office, leaving bits of cardboard scattered all over the place. There is no excuse…

  • My Agenda

    My dad often writes down a list of things he wants to get done in the day. He suggested to me that I try it, too. So here goes: Harass mom for papaya treats Eat breakfast Poop Run into dad’s office Climb onto chair Shed fur Sleep Sleep Sleep Go back into the living room…

  • Just Being a Bunny

    Nothing special. I’m just being myself. I was just curious as to what was up there. Y’know, sometimes you’re just so tired that you don’t notice. -Gus

  • Rabbits and a Cat

    I pointed dad to some comments made by Fiona bun, which led me to Diva Kitty and The Fluffies – another great rabbit (and cat) website! It seems like there are all these great rabbit websites out there – they’re just a little hard to find sometimes, unless you stumble upon them. I especially liked…

  • Dinnertime

    My dad took this video the other day – a typical dinner time with Betsy and me. -Gus

  • What’s for Dinner?

    Our usual dinner menu is: 2 Kashi original 7-grain snack crackers (one for me and one for Betsy) Parsley Dandelion greens (if mom can find them) Kale Romaine lettuce Red leaf lettuce A carrot (split it two, so Betsy and I don’t have to fight over the same piece) Dad sometimes says we’re “spoiled,” but…

  • Late Breakfast – AGAIN!

    Our breakfast was late AGAIN today. It seems like every few days (I haven’t been counting carefully, but I’d guess it’s about 5) both mom and dad get up very late. In the words of that famous rabbit Cinnamon, I do not approve!  This morning, mom didn’t even get up before dad to give us…

  • Five Bunnies

    Dad found a new rabbit blog this morning called usagi gohiki, which apparently means “5 rabbits” in one of the way-too-many human languages. All I can say is that I’m glad to see Betsy’s not the only rabbit who does the “dead bunny” pose when she sleeps! -Gus

  • The New Year Thing

    Late last night, dad said “Happy New Year, Gus!” I didn’t even notice that it was the new year. Being a rabbit, I don’t pay much attention to dates like that – we live more in the here and now. Although I notice the time – and both mom and dad got up QUITE late…