Tag: gus

  • Not A Rabbit

    Dad pulled these pictures out the other day (and they’re actual “photos” on paper & everything!) and he got all sad. I guess this was one of his first pets from long, long ago. Dad said his name was “Mario” – and that he was named after the race-car driver, not the video game character.…

  • Rabbit Drive-Through

    I’ve been very busy lately, what with keeping an eye on the bedroom door and the whole couch thing, so I’ve been eating my hay through the window in my cardboard fort/house. Dad saw me doing this and asked why I was eating that way. I told him “duh, dad, this is the rabbit version…

  • Scary Things

    It’s been a scary few days. The first night after we (allegedly) peed on the couch, some new stuff showed up on the couch. When Betsy and I went to hop up there, it stuck to our feet! Oh it was terrible, it just wouldn’t come off, even if you licked it! And what’s worse…

  • Admit Nothing

    I’m not admitting anything here, but last night we may or may not have gotten onto the couch, and… may or may not have peed on it. I’m not saying we did. And I’m not saying we didn’t. But just in case we did, Betsy hid in the dining room this morning when mom came…

  • Bunny Game – No, Really

    Dad told me this morning that he found out that there is a game now where you take care of a rabbit – and that is the game! He said it’s called “Petz Bunnyz,” for something he called “Nintendo DS.” Oh, I see, it’s sort of a game thing that you can hold in your…

  • Monday Bunday?

    I guess it’s “Monday,” and I’ve read about this thing called “Monday Bunday.” So here’s my attempt at it. I don’t know why I’ve suddenly been so interested in sunbeams. I just like them, okay dad? Dad, what ARE you doing? *sigh* -Gus

  • Making Our Dinner

    Saturday is the day that mom goes shopping for the week, and this Saturday I documented the process that mom and dad go through to prepare our meals for the week. This is the food that mom brings home from the store (what did she call it… oh yeah, “whole foods”). Parsley is the first…

  • Dad’s been taking pictures… again

    I do not approve of taking photos of me! Actually I’m just joking, I don’t mind. Just stop making that beeping sound! Dad laughed when he saw us. Betsy just wouldn’t get out of my way, and I wanted to lie down! I was just hanging out under the dining room table, enjoying a sunbeam,…

  • Broke a Nail!

    Yesterday, dad grabbed Betsy and I and gave us a serious brushing. I heard mom say to him that she thought we looked “homeless” and that’s why we needed to be brushed. OK, so I guess my fur was getting a little ruffled here and there, but homless? C’mon, mom. As I was being groomed…

  • It’s All About Me

    After all, I am the “top bun” in this house! Dad always thinks I’m up to something. He’s usually right – but I won’t say what I was sneaking around for! I can hear your camera beep when it focuses, dad, and it annoys me. I’m trying to sleep here! The other day it snowed…