Tag: gus

  • Why I’ve Avoided Bunspace

    I’ve noticed a lot of buzz about this new thing called “Bunspace.” Betsy and I tried the whole “social networking” thing a while back with Petster, but it really didn’t pan out – it was too hard for us to use. (Computers were not designed for rabbits, you know!) But the real reason I’ve been…

  • Someone’s Getting Pushy

    Betsy had the audacity to nudge me out of the way this morning while I was eating some hay. So I turned around and nudged her right back! Honestly, Betsy, what’s going on with you? First you try to frame me for your rampage, now you’re nudging me out of the way? Have I gone…

  • Destruction of Betsy

    Betsy went on a rampage this morning. Listen, dad, even though I’m sitting here in the middle of it, I swear to you – it wasn’t me, it was Betsy! Just look at her! Darn you, Betsy – you’re trying to frame me! -Gus

  • Book Meme

    Dad says we have to do another meme that Lola tagged us with – something to do with “books.” Dad said, “this is going to be tricky.” I asked him why, and he just pointed to his bookshelf, which I had never really looked closely at. Oh. Yeah, now I see what you mean, dad.…

  • Dad’s Home!

    Dad is finally home! Of course at first I didn’t come up and say hi. First I had to go and sniff all his stuff… where has he been? Has he been eating carrots without me? I have to know! It turned out that he’d been up north somewhere, and everything of his smelled weird…

  • Aaaww Dad

    So just after Mummy returns and Betsy and I think life is back to normal, Dad goes and leaves us! I went and sat beside Dad’s side of the bed looking for him this morning, but Mum said he is going to be away for a few days visiting friends. I don’t know what to…

  • Treats!!

    Our papaya tablets finally arrived!! Yay! Dad came in and gave us both a tablet when they arrived. Treat time tomorrow will be a happy time! -Gus

  • Betsy is Weird

    Even I’m not sure why Betsy was digging on the lamp post. Though it did wake dad up… maybe that’s what she had in mind. -Gus

  • Bunny Hero

    Well, not a real bunny hero. But this is what dad plays sometimes: What did he call it… oh yeah, “Guitar Hero II.” I do like the name, though. -Gus

  • Groomed, Again

    This morning after breakfast dad grabbed me and gave me a brush-down. I am not amused. Dad, we’ll talk later. -Gus