Tag: gus

  • The Service Around Here Is Terrible!

    Dad, this is simply unacceptable. When I say “breakfast now,” I mean “breakfast – NOW!” -Gus

  • Naughty Rabbits on TV

    Dad showed me this commercial, but he said “don’t get any ideas.” I can’t imagine why. -Gus

  • Feed Me

    I disapprove of empty food bowls. -Gus

  • Still Not Having A Good Fur Day

    After all that brushing dad gave me the other day, this is how I looked after just one day: I think dad’s going to try to brush me again… I just have to look cute enough that he won’t be able to bring himself to pick me up and disturb me… can’t let my guard…

  • Bad Fur Day

    I had a bad fur day today. Dad said I looked very “shaggy.” It wasn’t my fault – Betsy and I had been in a little tussle last night and I hadn’t had time to groom myself properly. Of course, it didn’t help that dad ran the vacuum cleaner today (which scares the whiskers off…

  • Still Behind Bars

    Dad still puts us in “jail” every night. He calls it “curfew” now. We’ll get out of here one day, I know it! -Gus

  • Monday Bunday – Sideways Betsy

    Sometimes I just don’t know what Betsy is thinking. That position doesn’t look comfortable to me (click on the picture for a bigger version to see more clearly how she’s laying). What’s worse is when she gets like that, she ends up kicking me… share the box, Betsy! -Gus

  • I Can Do Climbing, Too!

    My friend Potter inspired me to do some climbing of my own today! Dad looked sooooo surprised when he came out and found me up there! I was enjoying chewing on the top of the box. It made a really satisfying “riiiiiip!” But now that dad’s here, I’d better play it safe and get down.…

  • Monday Bunday… from dad?

    Dad beat us to our “Monday Bunday” post. Thanks a lot, dad. -Gus

  • Found another great Bunny Blog

    Dad found us another great bunny blog – this one’s called Furrybutts. Betsy likes it – they have a lop-eared bunny that looks like Betsy, only without the black spots (just brown spots). -Gus