Tag: gus

  • Dad Still Loves Us

    At least, I assume he still loves us – he cleaned up our area today, cleaned our litter box and put some fresh hay in the corner (nice to munch on while you’re busy in the litter box), et up a totally new Cottontail Cottage for us – AND he got us a sea grass…

  • We’re Out!

    Mum let us out yesterday for a while, and today we’re out at the usual time (with treats!). So I think we’re “free” again. I’m going to try to keep a low profile for a while… dad’s still keeping a close eye on us both. -Gus

  • Boxes

    Dad put this little box in my area today. He says he’s not sure whether I hate the box or whether I really enjoy playing with it. I’m not saying one way or the other – I’ll let you decide for yourself.

  • I Own You

    The other day, dad was sitting by the entrance to our area in the living room, and I think he may have been trying to pet me – or maybe he was just teasing me. I don’t know. Anyway, he stuck his hand in with his finger stretched out, so I came up to it…

  • An Award I Can Use

    The very nice people at Bunny.nu gave us this award the other day: How nice!! Oh, wait, dad says it’s not a real card and I can’t use it to buy papaya tablets or hay. BUMMER! Still, it was very nice to get. I just hope it doesn’t go to Betsy’s head… -Gus

  • Totally Innocent

    For some reason, dad always assumes we’re up to “no good.” He also likes to capture photographic “proof” of us being up to “no good.” He’s just weird like that. We were totally innocent; just sniffing around – honest! Betsy noticed someone watching us. “Oh no, it’s dad!” she said. Yeah, yeah, whatever, Betsy. Help…

  • Simple Needs

    Dad didn’t understand why we were both in the litter box at the same time. Dad just doesn’t understand me sometimes – I’m not a complicated bunny. I have simple needs. Like being groomed. “Groom me. Now.“ I will admit, this approach doesn’t always work. (It didn’t this time either; but I got the litter…

  • Brushed Again

    Dad grabbed me (and Betsy) today and brushed us and clipped our nails. Not fun! But, he did give me some crackers afterwards, so it wasn’t too bad. -Gus

  • Vote RABBIT!

    Although I am still miffed to learn that rabbits do not have a vote in this upcoming election-thingy, I thought I would take a moment to remind everyone who CAN vote who they should vote for: That’s right. You know what you have to do – wait, what? He’s not on the ballot??? This is…

  • The Story of “The Mysterious Kitty-Bunny”

    Dad found this story of a lonley, almost-starving kitty who came and lived with some bunnies (and turned out to prefer vegetables over cat food!). Of course, I can’t help but notice that one of the rabbits there looks a lot like me! Still, it’s a very nice story, and I’m glad the kitty is…