Tag: gus

  • The Stages of Disapproval

    First stage – disapproval from a distance: Second stage – indifference: Third stage – annoyance: Fourth and final stage – absolute disdain: Warning: exposure to high intensity rabbit disapproval may be hazardous to your health, and may cause small electronic devices to spontaneously explode. -Gus

  • Digging in the Tubes

    Dad says there’s been some problems with his website recently (like yesterday) but that he’s working on it. Something about a bad plugin in WordPress filling up his disk quota with errors or something. Whatever, dad. Isn’t it time for you to feed me, anyway? -Gus

  • A Story from my Youth

    The other day dad reminded me of a story from when I was a young, little bunny. When I first came to live with mum & dad, they tried very hard to make sure I was OK with all the strange noises that were around where they lived. One night, there was a thunderstorm –…

  • A Message From Dad

    Dad says that someone’s told him that they’re having trouble when leaving our website. Being a particularly weird sort of human, he takes those sorts of problems seriously. If it was me, I’d say just nibble the cords on your computer until the problem goes away. I hear Betsy is available for this sort of…

  • I Guess We Like The New Chair

    It’s not so bad; you can hide behind it really easily. Just don’t tell dad – I want him to think we still disapprove of it! -Gus

  • How We Spent New Year’s Eve

    I don’t know why dad thought this was so unusual! -Gus

  • Goodbye, Hugo!

    We learned this morning that our friend Hugo has gone to the rainbow bridge. It’s always hard to see one of our furry friends go away, but it’s especially hard when they look just like me! We wanted to send nose bumps to Miss Eve and Hugo’s human, but dad tells me that you can’t…

  • They Left Us!

    Can you believe it? Mum and dad left us home alone on Christmas! Oh, sure, they had an excuse – they had to travel back to Massachusetts to see family, and it was only for one night, and we would’ve hated traveling with them (that is true), but still… no one was here to give…

  • Where’s My Chair??

    Today I came into dad’s office and my chair was gone! In its place was this big round thing: I’m not sure how I feel about this! On the plus side, the new big round chair is mich easier to hide behind – and it creates a neat “tunnel” behind it that you can run…

  • Don’t Be Scared Dad

    Yesterday dad came out of his office and saw Betsy and I in the living room. I guess we were in his path, because he stopped and said: “Oh no – two vicious bunnies in my way, what am I going to do? I can’t go on, I’m just too scared!” We actually didn’t mean…