Tag: gus

  • 38 Cute Animals

    Dad finds the weirdest things. But this has bunnies in it, so I approve of it. Though you would never catch me working in an office like that!! -Gus

  • Time to start thinking about Easter

    Dad came back from the store last night and told me how he saw they had taken down all their valentine’s day stuff and were starting to put up their Easter stuff. Easter always makes me think even more about all the other bunnies out there who aren’t as lucky as I am (oh and…

  • Helping Betsy

    Although Betsy is the de-facto “destructo-bun” around here, sometimes even I like to get in on the destruction action. Yesterday I was helping Betsy do some work on the bigger of the two boxes dad added to our area. But then dad had to come along and spoil it by peeking in on me. It’s…

  • Post-Brushing Depression

    Post-brushing depression: “I has it.” Both Betsy and I got brushed today. It was a nice day out, but we don’t like being brushed! While I will admit that we’ve both been shedding (you might even say “molting”) quite a bit lately, that’s no excuse for dad to come and pick us up! And… the…

  • I’m Doing Quite Well, Thank You!

    Oh my goodness, Betsy wasn’t kidding about that “Critical Care” stuff being awful. Actually the taste wasn’t bad, it was the being held very tightly by dad and having a syringe stuck in my mouth that was awful!! I tell you, if that’s what not eating gets me, I’ll be eating my breakfast and dinner…

  • We’ve got him trapped now!

    Dad can’t leave his office when we’re on guard duty. Who could possibly stand the glare of two vicious guard bunnies like us? Nobody, that’s who! Now dad, you stay in your office so Betsy and I can have the run of the rest of the house. -Gus

  • A Relative of Mine?

    Mum found this bunny, Captain Mooncake – and I have to wonder… is he a relative of mine? Because we look somewhat alike! Mum and dad both say we look very much alike, but of course anybun can see… that I am much more handsome. And there are other differences, too, but maybe you have…

  • Eating

    Dad says I eat my carrots “weird.” He says I should hold them in front of me, and that eating them when they are on my side like this “must be awkward.” Somehow, I think no matter how I eat my carrot I’d still end up with a bright orange paw. But honestly, who has…

  • My Work Here is Done

    Another mess created, another human annoyed, another bunny satisfied – my work here is done. -Gus

  • Look What I Have to put up With

    The other night, I was just trying to relax, but Betsy was flipping the little hay basket thing around… and this is what happened: Actually, when it first landed it was pretty much on the middle of my bum – in the time it took dad to run and get the camera, it slid off…