Tag: bunny health
Stupid Dewclaw
I snapped my dewclaw off. Again. Remind me again why we have these things? My paw is a bit sore now, too, which sucks. And to make things worse, even though I tried really, really hard to hide it, dad noticed… and picked me up… and looked at my paw. He said he wanted to…
Awww, Thanks!
Thanks everyone for your tips and best wishes… I am doing fine. As I tried to tell dad, I just wasn’t hungry that one night. I’ve been enjoying the crackers and dandilion greens that dad’s put out for us every day since then. I think mum & dad just over-react sometimes. Silly humans. -Betsy
I’m not Hungry, Dad
The night before last I wasn’t very hungry when dad put out dinner, so I didn’t go over and eat anything. This turned out to be a big mistake. Dad and mum fretted for a while and then picked me up and syringe-fed me that nasty “critical care” stuff and rubbed my tummy. Ugh! I…
Betsy’s Pooping, and I’m Pooped!
Betsy is feeling much better – she says a big bunny “thank you” to everone for their well-wishing. She’s eating normally again and pooping as a bunny should poop. As for me… I’m pooped! Keeping an eye on Betsy during this time was tough work. I had to stay up late with dad (he kept…
Betsy Pooped!
Oh you should’ve seen dad and mum when they saw that Betsy had pooped. Humans are so silly. Betsy’s glad, though. She says if they have to force-feed her that critical care stuff one more time… well, I don’t want to think about what she’ll do!! -Gus
Betsy’s Back
Dad and Mum and Betsy went off to the vet and they just came back… dad says Betsy’s going to be OK. Betsy says she didn’t like the vet AT ALL. She said they “did things” to her and “poked” her and took her temperature – and that’s all she’ll say on the matter. Dad…
Betsy’s Not Feeling Well
Yesterday Betsy said her tummy wasn’t feeling well and she didn’t want any breakfast. She sort of moped around all day, which got dad all worked up. And when she wasn’t interested in dinner, dad AND mum got worked up. (Not eating is a big deal for us rabbits.) So dad picked up Betsy (she…
Ugh – A Yucky Day
Yesterday I didn’t feel too good. I wasn’t really that hungry and… err… well I didn’t like it when mom and dad said I had “poopy butt.” Mom said I’d had too much apple or crackers the past few days – so no more of that for me, and dad said I have to eat…
The Scary Vet
My dad tricked me yesterday! He offered me treats – my favorite, dried cranberries – but he just ended up sticking the both of us into the nasty car carrier and driving us to the vet! Oh how I hate going there! I especially don’t like the bit where they stick that thing in my…
Doing Better
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing much better. My paw hardly hurts at all now, and my dad tells me that my claw looks clean and is healing nicely. Thank goodness for that; it really hurt for a while there! -Gus