Tag: bunny behavior

  • Lounging in The (Bunny) Temple of Doom

    Dad went looking for us the other day. Eventually he found us. I guess being a white rabbit didn’t help. Betsy, on the other hand, is almost invisible! Oops, BUSTED! Mum says we’re not supposed to climb in her good furniture! But you have disturbed the Bunny of Doom, dad – and now you will…

  • Advice

    I have some very important advice to pass on to all you humans out there – something my dad learned the hard way last night: Don’t get into a staring contest with a rabbit. We always win. -Gus

  • Streamlined Bunny

    Dad took this photo of me the other day when I was laying in the middle of the living room floor: Is this what some people call “the bunny Q?” Anyway, I was just relaxing – I didn’t realize I was so streamlined. -Betsy

  • What?

    Why are you looking at me like that, dad? This is a perfectly normal and healthy place for a bunny to be! -Gus

  • Nap Time

    It’s nap time for me. ZZZZZzzzzzzzz……… -Betsy

  • What’s Up Here?

    Ha-ha, dad! Your DVD collection is never safe from me! -Gus

  • Morning Meeting

    OK now dad, the first item on the agenda is my proposal to restore rabbit-access to the bedroom… -Betsy

  • Chewing Up the Rabbit Hole

    Dad keeps taking photos of me while I’m at work in the box. He thinks he’s being clever. I sure showed him! -Betsy

  • The Bag… Of Treats?

    *sniff sniff* What’s this doing here? Are there any treats inside? Nope, there weren’t any. -Betsy

  • The Blue Chair

    The other day I decided to see what all the fuss was about on this blue chair. Smells fine to me. Hey, I recognize that! I didn’t see anything super fun, so I gave up. I don’t know why Gus spends so much time up there… the floor is so much better! -Betsy