Tag: bunny behavior

  • Up To No Good

    Dad came out from his office yesterday and found me acting as the “lookout” for Betsy. Unfortunately, Betsy got caught anyway. I, of course, knew better than to get back there, so dad didn’t say anything to me. (I am pure and innocent as snow, of course.) Betsy got a talking to and then was…

  • My Stupid Dewclaw (and my Stupid Dad)

    This morning dad came in and picked me up. He said he was worried about me, and wondered why I was hiding in his office so early in the morning. Now he knows better than to doubt me. I squirmed when he picked me up, and when I landed on the ground, my stupid dewclaw…

  • Just Trying to Eat Some Hay

    Betsy’s bun-shui sometimes has negative consequences – like leaving no room for me to sit and eat my hay. So, instead, I have to sit in the bowl. Hmmm, what’s that, dad? I shouldn’t be sitting in my hay bowl? I know, but it’s all Betsy’s fault! What’s that? Betsy’s right there? *om nom nom…

  • No Respect

    Sometimes, I’m just trying to lie down and take a nap, and this is what happens: No respect, I tell you. -Gus

  • The Snuggle Box

    I swear, we’re not snuggling – I’m just trying to lie in the box, and Betsy was in my way! Oh, OK – so maybe we were snuggling. What of it? -Gus

  • Surveying My Domain

    Because as we all know, everything I see belongs to ME. Betsy helped move the castle to that position – she’s a bun-shui master. Dad, what are you doing?? Honestly. -Gus

  • Bun in the Sun

    The sun was streaming into the living room this morning, and I was spending a litte time outside my area, just relaxing. Then, I sensed something… I feel like someone’s… watching me… Oh, it’s just you, dad. Hmmm, wait, you’re way over there and lying on the floor… you might have treats!! (Hey, you never…

  • The Difference Between Betsy and Me

    I like to keep an eye on what dad is doing. While Betsy just doesn’t care, as long as you don’t bother her while she’s sleeping. -Gus

  • Escape

    The other day, I found that I could push on the edge of our enclosure and get the fence to swing out enough to squeeze through – freedom! So the other night (well, early morning – dad and mum were sleeping in), I did it and Gus and I escaped! Dad leaves the bedroom door…

  • We’ve got him trapped now!

    Dad can’t leave his office when we’re on guard duty. Who could possibly stand the glare of two vicious guard bunnies like us? Nobody, that’s who! Now dad, you stay in your office so Betsy and I can have the run of the rest of the house. -Gus