Category: Bunny Life
Matilda squinting at me from inside her A-frame where she’s been sleeping all day #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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I’m starting to feel like the buns’ visits to my office are less of a social visit and more of a treat shakedown… “that’s a beautiful office you have; shame if something were to happen to it…” #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
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Matilda: “Are you *sure* you don’t have any more treats for me?” Me: “Yes, I’m sure – and I just gave you a treat 30 seconds ago!” #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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After getting a treat from me, Matilda stands up on her hind legs to look and see if maybe I have another treat that I could give her? #bunny #houserabbit #lopearedbunny #bunniesofinstagram
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Matilda and Chuck came to my office this morning to chat (and ask for treats) #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
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Chuck visited my office again this morning to have a chat about the amount of treats he is receiving, and how he thinks it could be higher. So I gave him a treat. Good talk, Chuck. #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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Two very content bunnies after a yummy dinner of greens fresh from the garden #bunnies #houserabbits #bunniesofinstagram
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Matilda begging for a treat from me… moments after I saw her get a treat from mummy… shameless! #bunny #houserabbit #lopearedbunny #bunniesofinstagram
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A very handsome bunny visitor to my office this morning! #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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Good morning Chuck! You look like you have something to say… (probably “give me treats!”) #bunny #houserabbit #bunniesofinstagram
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