Category: Bunny Life
A Day in the Life of Chuck and Matilda
Mornings frequently start out by waiting for breakfast on this rug. Timing is important; sleeping in by the human servants is not appreciated! It is not uncommon to find the pellet bowl and snuffle mat flipped over on the ground – often with pellets strewn all around. Matilda has a bad habit of flipping bowls…
Matilda’s 2024 Adventures
2024 was quite a year for Matilda. Early in the year, one Saturday morning we noticed Matilda hunched up on the rug in the living room – a place she did not normally spend much time. When she refused a treat, we knew something must be up – so we hopped in the car for…
Matilda sleeping
I found Matilda sleeping like this after a long, hard day of… *checks notes* …eating and sleeping.
Chuck sleeping in my office
For some reason he just decided he was going to sleep in my office today (not that I’m complaining!).
Chuck passed out
My heart always stops for a moment when I see either of the buns sleeping like this… then I see them breathing and I can relax, knowing that he’s just sleeping really, really deeply.
Buns in the Playframe
Matilda loves her cardboard A-frame “Playframe” house – she spends just about every day in there, up on the 2nd floor. I think she likes the position of the house as well – it’s at the far side of the room, so she has a view out over the whole room and can see us…
Chuck waiting for dinner
Turned around to find Chuck sitting by the kitchen counter around dinnertime. He may not be able to speak, but he has no problems telling me what he wants!
Hallway is blocked
Well, looks like I’m not going to bed tonight – the hallway is blocked; can’t get past. But, maybe if I shake the treat bag…
Buns in my office
Got a visit from the buns the other day – and by “visit” I mean “shakedown for treats.”
Buns in the hallway
“Answer me these questions three, ere the other side of the hallway you’ll see…” (All 3 questions were: “will you give us a treat?”)