Author: Betsy
My New Hiding Spot
Betsy tries to find a place to hide from dad, and succeeds… for a little while.
Can’t a bun just take a nap?
Betsy just wants to take a nap without being disturbed.
Tunnel Buns
Betsy and Gus spend some time together in their tunnel.
Stop Touching My Ears!!
Betsy hates being treated in an undignified manner by the vet.
Facial what now?
Betsy denies that there is anything wrong with her face.
My Turn for Guard-Bunny Duty
Apparently it’s Betsy’s turn to do some guard-bunny duty while Gus takes a nap.
I Love My Tunnel
Betsy REALLY loves her tunnel.
Long-bunny is LOOOOOOONG!
What are you looking at?
Betsy denies being up to anything, but we all know better.
Bilateral Bunny
Betsy learns that her markings are bilaterally symmetrical, and couldn’t care less.