Author: Betsy

  • Inside the Bunny Temple

    Well, there it is. The other day, the “bunny temple” moved over here, and Gus’s second-favorite chair was taken away (mom said it didn’t match the room). Since then, we’ve investigated the temple a bit more, and I have to say… I approve. It’s a nice place to hide, and the wicker is quite tasty.…

  • Opening Doors

    This morning I had a brainstorm – what if I tried digging against the door to the bedroom? Maybe I could make a hole though it? So I tried it this morning, and wouldn’t you know it, the door just pushed right open! I was in! Of course, mom got right out of bed and…

  • Bunny Temple

    This weekend, this new thing showed up in the living room: Eventually I snuck up to it and went inside. It’s made of wicker, and seems like it might make a good hiding place – if it weren’t for the fact that there’s only one way out (you could get cornered). And I honestly have…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day, Gus

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Gus. And all other bunnies everywhere! p.s. Thanks, Dad, for your help with the picture! -Betsy

  • Not Me!

    Dad said I went on a destructive rampage today. I don’t know what he’s talking about. I’m just eating my carrot! It was fun when I did it… now can you put it back, dad? -Betsy

  • My Favorite Spot

    My favorite spot is on top of this white box in dad’s office. I love to flop out there and take a nap in the middle of the day. Sometimes though, you have to flop over to get a good angle for grooming your paws and your ears. Long ears like these require lots of…

  • Game?

    Dad told me about this “tagged” thing that Rabbits Guy did to us, he called it a “meme?” I’ll have to get Gus to help me look that word up. Anyway, dad said we had to list 3 things that we’ve never done before and that we’d like to do if we wouldn’t get in…

  • Almost Made It

    Dad left the door to the bedroom open this morning and Gus and I went straight in to try and get under the bed, but dad had done something to the bunny-barrier and I couldn’t pull it out of the way (like I did last time). Drat!! I’ll get under there next time… next time,…

  • Breakfast with Besty – Sort Of

    Well, it’s not quite a TV show, but it’ll do, I suppose. I always enjoy my morning carrot. But I don’t necessarily enjoy having my picture taken while my mouth is full! Gus, on the other hand, doesn’t mind at all. All done, Gus? I’m not sure I like the way this picture makes me…

  • Banned

    Uh oh… it seems like we got a little too enthusiastic about being under the new bed. I guess we chewed on some things that dad didn’t want us chewing on… and we’ve been banned from under the bed. There’s a weird make-shift gate-thing going all the way around the bed now, and we can’t…