Author: Betsy

  • Bedroom, Again

    We got into the bedroom again this morning, but I think dad left the door open on purpose. The closet was still closed, though. Still, we had some fun sniffing around until dad came back in and chased  us out. -Betsy

  • Rampage

    I… um… got a little over-zealous this morning and, er, may have tipped some things over. What? I was having fun chewing and I just got carried away! I can’t help it that I’m so strong! Just look at Gus, playing the innocent bun… but I know he’s done far worse in his day! -Betsy

  • Into the Bedroom!!

    Dad left the door to the bedroom open last night! So Gus and I quickly snuck in… but unfortunately the door to mummy’s closet was still closed. Then, dad came in and told us to get out. Foiled, again! -Betsy

  • Where’s the cracker?

    I know there’s a cracker in here somewhere… -Betsy

  • Dad Found Me!

    Oh dad, did you have to ruin my new hiding spot! -Betsy

  • Dad’s Getting Annoying

    Geez, dad, can’t you give a bun some privacy? I’m trying to take a poop over here!! -Betsy

  • I just felt like digging

    Today I just really, really, really got the urge to dig. Y’know how you feel, when you just want to sink your paws into something and dig really fast… and that wonderful feeling when whatever you’re digging in actually gives way, and you start to make progress on a hole? Yeah. I didn’t make a…

  • Where is my mummy??

    Dad never gives us enough treats – only mummy does it right. And only mummy is allowed to touch me. Point that camera somewhere else, dad! I want my mummy! Oh well, I guess Gus will do for now. Zzzz…. -Betsy

  • Where’s my Mummy?

    I didn’t see mummy around this morning, so when dad went towards the bedroom, I chased after him… but he only went into the bathroom. I think I scared him! Oh that’s right, mom’s on a vacation for a bit. Gus is better at remembering things than I am. I forgot. Come home soon, mummy!…

  • Door Stoppers

    I like the springy door stoppers that dad has in his office. I especially like to get behind an open door and push it closed a little bit, then chew on the door stopper’s rubber end. It makes a fun “sproing” sound when I let go. Dad says I’m weird, but I don’t think so.…