Author: Betsy

  • More Bunnies

    I forgot to mention – mom told me the other day about how there are more bunnies living around here! Well, I guess I should say “wild rabbits” instead of “bunnies.” Mom and dad saw one of them calmly eating grass by the side of the road just a little ways from our house –…

  • Bunny Temple, Take 2

    One good thing about the “jail” dad set up is that the bunny temple is fun now. Dad turned it so that the entrance is off to the side – so you can’t see in from the rest of the room. Which makes it a perfect place to hide when you don’t want anyone to…

  • I have a “thing” for shoes

    I guess I’m just like my mummy – I have a “thing” for shoes. -Betsy

  • Late Breakfast

    Dad and mom were both late in getting up and feeding us this morning. So to keep myself amused while I waited an eternity for my breakfast, I decided to dig in my litter box. I always have the feeling that if I just keep digging a little further, I’ll find a prize – like…

  • Tired

    Whew! All this digging, chewing, and destruction is making me tired. I think I’ll lay down for a nap. ZZZZzzzzz…. -Betsy

  • Monday Bunday

    Am I doing it right? Hmm… maybe not. -Betsy

  • Dad’s Home, Ugh

    Dad’s home… and just when I was getting comfy with having some quiet time to myself! Now I’ve got to watch out for dad coming to grab me and brush me (mum is too scared to pick me up, which suits me fine). On top of that, dad is much more strict… no more digging…

  • Driving Mum Crazy

    Gus and I are so tired! We have been really busy trying to keep Mum as preoccupied as possible — to take her mind off Dad being away. Here are some of the things we thought might help keep her mind of Dad: 1. I made sure to dig in the litterbox and flick litter…

  • Mummy is Home!

    Actually mum, you’ve been home for long enough now that I’m going back to my normal mode of silent indifference to your existence. But please don’t forget to give me some extra treats or else I’ll chew your shoes! -Betsy

  • Mummy!

    Dad says mummy is coming home tomorrow – I am very excited! She always gives us the best treats! -Betsy