Author: Betsy

  • I Like The Box

    This box-tunnel that dad made is pretty fun! Though once I saw him filming me, I had to put on a suitably disapproving face. Gus is always trying to get in the picture. He’s such a camera hog! -Betsy

  • Thinking Inside the Box

    Some people say to think outside the box – but I do my best thinking inside the box: -Betsy

  • I Want to be a “Rock Bun”

    I want to be a rock bun. No, not that kind of rock bun – I mean a “rock and roll bunny!” Yesterday I was practicing by thumping on the floor in dad’s office. He wasn’t being very supportive – he kept telling me to be quite and stop thumping. So I thumped some more!…

  • Another Use for Lop Ears

    Sometimes my lop ears can be a pain in the neck – I can’t aim them the same way Gus can, for instance, to hear things better. But Gus found another way they can be useful – as eye covers: I suppose I don’t mind – they’ve gotta flop somewhere, and they might as well…

  • Send It Back

    Sorry dad, but this carrot is much too dry. Hmmm, what’s that? I’ve already eaten most of it? Oh, well, yeah, I had to do that so it would fit in the water bowl, of course! -Betsy

  • (Wild) Rabbits, Rabbits, Everywhere!

    Mum and dad went for a walk yesterday to some place called “Watchung,” and they said they saw a whole bunch of our wild cousins – including some babies! Dad was particularly impressed, because they were right out in the open in a grass field, with humans and cars (well, a parking lot) nearby. He…

  • TV

    Mom and dad were watching TV last night when Gus and I came out from nappy-time in dad’s office. I was the first to come out and I kind of liked what they were watching, so I sat for a while with them and watched the show… what was it called… “Top Gear” or some…

  • Gus… that’s MY job!

    The other night, mum and dad had some strange people over. They left us alone, but while they were here, the bunny jail was removed! Unfortunately, after they left dad put it right back up. Gus was not happy about this. He thinks he’s been unfairly imprisoned. The next morning, he took out his anger…

  • Grooming, and new Toys

    This weekend, both Gus and I got “grabbed and groomed.” Dad is getting good at catching us, we will have to think of new ways to avoid him! On top of that, dad cleaned our area (as he does every week, undoing all my hard work making a mess of it). But this time… there…

  • A Sleepy Week

    It’s been a sleepy week for Gus and me. We had a few nice days where we could lounge in sunbeams (after mum let us out of the jail in the morning), and some not-so-nice days where it was cloudy and dark and kind of cool where we just slept in dad’s office all day…