Author: Betsy

  • The Bag… Of Treats?

    *sniff sniff* What’s this doing here? Are there any treats inside? Nope, there weren’t any. -Betsy

  • The Blue Chair

    The other day I decided to see what all the fuss was about on this blue chair. Smells fine to me. Hey, I recognize that! I didn’t see anything super fun, so I gave up. I don’t know why Gus spends so much time up there… the floor is so much better! -Betsy

  • What?

    So there I was, minding my own business in the cardboard tunnel dad set up (the “worm hole” as some call it), and suddenly there was movement and a bright flash. DAD!!! Can’t you see I’m busy here? Can’t a bun get some privacy to rip cardboard in peace? Geez. -Betsy

  • The Bunny Temple has Moved!

    In addition to re-arranging our bun-space, dad also moved the bunny temple into his office. I dunno… Can I get up here now? I guess I’ll go inside, it seems to be the same bunny temple as before. Actually, it turns out it was the same bunny temple – I like it here. It’s great…

  • My New Tile

    The other day, dad came home with two ceramic tiles that he put down on the floor. He said they were for me to lay on, and that they’d be nice and cool. After dissaproving of them suitably in his presence, I decided… they’re OK. Gus doesn’t like them, though. He thinks they are too…

  • A Day in the Life of Betsy

    Dad thought it would be fun to chronicle a “day in the life of Betsy.” So he did. But not with my help! Is it morning? Do I have to get up? Oh, you say you’ve got treats? Well then I might come out. BUUUURP! That was a good breakfast, dad. Now get out of…

  • Chillin’

    Gus and I enjoy our time out of the “bunny jail” each day. Of course, dad is not allowed to come out of his office while we are here! Later on, of course, it’s time for a nap. Although dad always listens to his music in his office while he works, we like it in…

  • Goodbye Stanley, We’ll Miss You

    Gus and I learned this morning that Stanley over at the Houseful of Rabbits has passed away. This made both of us very sad, until we remembered that Stanley is now doing binkies on the other side in the endless fields of grass and clover, where the sun is always at just the right spot…

  • I Love to Sleep

    ZZZZZzzzzz…. -Betsy

  • Betsy and the Temple of Doom

    Between dad and the scary vacuum cleaner, I had to find a place to hide… so I did! So then I climbed on top of a mountain and saved the day! I’m soooooo brave! -Betsy