Not Up To Anything

What’s that dad? You think we’re up to something? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

betsy under the table, up to no good

Nope, Gus isn’t up to anything either.

gus lurking in the dining room at night

Nothing suspicious here, dad. I’m absolutely not eying your table legs. Just move along, there’s nothing to see.

betsy peeks out from behind the table leg







5 responses to “Not Up To Anything”

  1. Jade (and Mickey) Avatar

    Of course you’re up to something–you’re a rabbit. Rabbits are ALWAYS up to something, even if that “something” is “doing nothing while making the humans believe you are up to something”.

  2. the bunns Avatar

    Patience. Patience. Patience. …. NOW! Bite his ankles!!!

  3. Shadowydreamer Avatar

    The disapproval is strong in this one.. 🙂

    Obviously the real problem is that the human won’t put down the flashy thing and go to the cold box to get you the treats you deserve.. so you can gnaw on the nice wood in peace.

  4. Lisa (The Human) Avatar

    Those table legs do look particularly nom-able!

  5. Lisa Avatar

    I don’t believe you Betsy. You two are ALWAYS up to something!