It’s that time of year again, when mum and dad stink up the house with their weird food.
Dad says we have lots to be thankful for, like having each other to snuggle with.

Of course I don’t know what he’s talking about – it’s a trick of the light that we look like we’re snuggling here.
Personally I’m thankful for cranberries and clean litterboxes. Betsy says she’s thankful for carrots and mum. What is everybun else thankful for?
5 responses to “Happy Thanksgiving”
We’re thankful for Peaches, Pink and Elvis, and of course, Gus and Betsy, and all our other wonderful rabbit blogging friends.
We are thankful that mom is coming home tonight after being away on vacation for the week. H&B bunnies.
Mickey is thankful for treats , kale and dandelion leaves. Me, I’m thankful for friends, family and my sweet little grumpy-bun.
…and kale. I am thankful for lots of kale!
In this place, we are just thankful for whatever good comes our way. It is usually enough!!! No snuggling now.