Despite how it might look, we’re not actually snuggling – we’re sharing one of the best napping spots in the house, under our dilapidated old cardboard box thing.
Dad of course says we’re being “snuggle bunnies,” but he’s wrong, wrong, wrong.
10 responses to “Sharing, not Snuggling”
sweetie bunnies
You are so cute whatever you choose to call it!
that sure looks like snuggling to me!
Yep, definitely snuggling. 😛
It’s very polite of you to share such a coveted space. Doubtless it will also come in handy this winter if the thermostat is kept low: the insulation of the cardboard and the extra fur will serve to keep you both warmer. Maybe for the holidays your folks could spring for a new and bigger box.
I’d get them a bigger box, but every time I give them a different box, they destroy it. This seems to be the only one they leave intact. (Strangely enough.)
You stick out, Gus. Time for bigger facility.
@DAD…The jig is up. They keep this box so they CAN snuggle…lol
Plus, it’s warmer that way.
Looke like you might need a bigger box, but it doesn’t matter what condition it is in…