Weird Looks

Sometimes I like to sit and stare at dad. He says I sometimes look at him funny, too. Sitting and staring at dad really unnerves him; it’s great fun, I think everyone should try it.

gus with a weird look After a while dad tends to get a little paranoid. As I said, it’s a great game to play, I love it.

In this picture, after dad took the photo, he said he thought I looked like I was trying to set him on fire with my mind.

I will neither confirm nor deny that, dad.







4 responses to “Weird Looks”

  1. fab furs Avatar
    fab furs

    Practice makes perfect, Gus. And wouldn’t it be cool to use that move on the Halloween jack o’lantern!

  2. Shadowydreamer Avatar

    I think Gus is planning world domination..

  3. the bunns Avatar

    We do it. It hangs him up!!!

  4. Glenna Avatar

    Gus, I expect it’s a “Need to Know” thing. Love the little feeties, by the way.