Our Friend Freckles is Gone

Our friend (and fellow conspirator in bunny mischief) Freckles is gone.

This makes me very sad. I always saw a lot of myself in Freckles – I think we were kindred spirits or something. We kind of looked the same (sort-of) and we both liked to destroy things like phone books! (So what if that makes me a kindred spirit with almost every bunny out there?)

Me and Gus and Dad and Mum all send our sympathies to Freckles’ mum, Deb.

Freckles, we’ll miss you, but we’ll see you again someday!






2 responses to “Our Friend Freckles is Gone”

  1. the bunns Avatar

    Carry on the mischief tradition Betsy – Freckles would like that!

  2. Freckles and Deb Avatar

    Thank you for your kind thoughts, Betsy. Freckles always loved to hear about your adventures! You were indeed kindred spirits.