Dad says I have structurally compromised our Cottontail Cottage:
I don’t know what he’s talking about. CLEARLY this was the result of a severe bunquake; probably a 8.2 on the destructo-scale if you ask me.
Interestingly, now that our Cottontail Cottage has toppled over, it’s even more fun! For example, now I can hide inside and eat hay at the same time.
Nice! (Can you see me through the door?)
It’s still fun to poke my head out and see what’s going on. Oh, and by the way, dad gave me that hay-tube-thing the other day, saying that I needed something to “take my destructive tendencies out on.” Yeah, I don’t get what he’s talking about either.
The back side of the cottage is quite a mess – so much so that I wouldn’t allow dad back there to take photos (too dangerous).
Dad thinks the house is a total loss; I think it can still be salvaged. (At least, until we lose another wall!)
What do you think? Should we try to save the cottage, or just tear it down and get a new one?
10 responses to “Structurally Compromised”
I think it’s salvageable, obviously what you need to do is even up the other side to match… get chewing asap!
Definitely it can be rehabilitated. Turn it on its side!
i don’t know Betsy, but I guess it could be the leaning tower of bunnsa
So the more things you “destroy”, the more things you get to “destroy”? Good system!
You should tear it down, because then you would get to tear it down. See? Think how much fun that would be.
Betsy, I recently elicited a similar reaction from my people. I have a box that once had four windows. Over the weekend I finished connecting two of the windows (around a corner), and Mom has kindly rotated the box so I have better access to the other windows, which need the same treatment. It shouldn’t take long; I’ve already expanded one window around the corner near the bottom of the box. Another six inches of chewing should do the trick.
Indeed it can be salvaged. It now is a most excellent tunnel and magically becomes a new toy on it’s side! 😉
xx, shell
I don’t know, I’m a worrier, but I always take them away when they become structurally compromised. Once I hear the “thud” of somebunny falling through the top level to the floor, to the trash it goes. And they hate me for it for several weeks each time. But nobunny needs to go breaking their feet or whatnot.
Clever idea from Glenna.
We had a bunn-quake here too. Savannah’s box got toppled. She liked it.
Definitely it has life left. Heck, it’s hardly used at all. Just by a little bunny aAdy form Pasadena – or some such …
keep chewing and it will go through several exciting stages all of which will offer great opportunities for fun and more chewing!