Just So We’re Clear

Sometimes I need to remind dad that he’s not the center of the universe.

white gus loaf I find that sitting behind him and ignoring him is especially effective at this.

closeup of gus in loaf-mode Dad always gets really confused when I do this.

Mission accomplished.







4 responses to “Just So We’re Clear”

  1. The Bunns Avatar

    That works good for us too Gus. Our people hate to be ignored. Then they give us more treats to try to get our love back. Dummies.

  2. jerry kolbe Avatar

    those ears look a bit confused too Gus…were up were down……

  3. Crafty Green poet Avatar

    that’s definitely a good ‘I’m the real centre of the universe’ pose, specially if you hold it for a while and the world can be seen indeed to revolve around you

  4. The Human Avatar

    Works everytime! Buttons does that to us too… but Gus you know your mum and dad love you so you should give them a lot more attention…