Nothing to see here, I’m not up to anything

There is nothing for you to see here dad; I’m not up to anything. Just go back to your computer and look the other way.

betsy is up to no good

Ummmm…. I’m just… looking!

betsy creeps behind the curtain

See? Nothing to see here; it’s just Gus sitting around, nothing unusual about that. (Pay no attention to the bunny behind the curtain!)

gus stands watch

Say what now? That’s not me – it must be your camera not working again. You should look into that. Because it clearly wasn’t me.

betsy comes out from behind the curtain

Nope, I was sitting here all along.

betsy denies any wrongdoing

You just… missed seeing me hop over here from the left, that’s all dad. Yep, I’ve been here the whole time, not being up to anything no-good at all.

I’ll just… be going over here now. And there’s no need for you to look behind that curtain to see if I was there, because, as I said, I wasn’t there. Trust me.







7 responses to “Nothing to see here, I’m not up to anything”

  1. Hef's Mom Avatar

    That camera must really be broken *giggle*

  2. Erin Avatar

    Obviously totally innocent. I don’t know what you’re talking about…

  3. bunnygirl Avatar

    Hey, that’s pretty cute how they trade places like that.

  4. The Bunns Avatar

    My gosh what’s the big deal? Looks pretty normal to us. Dad is losing it.

  5. Crafty Green poet Avatar

    definitely normal.

  6. Michelle (shell) May Avatar

    bunny magic at it’s best!

  7. Katie Avatar

    Haha that was good magic and teamwork! You sure must have had your Dad fooled. I even thought I was seeing things! 😛